Today is Friday….hmm

What does waking up to a Friday mean to me?

Well as the sun shines through the window, I realize that there are gifts we take for granted from the universe.  That sun reflecting on my sleepy head shows that life is beginning to blossom.  The rays that come from that beautiful sun enables all that is in it’s path to flourish.  But like life, when one gets too much, it can cause pain and suffering.  Anything in moderation, even where life is concerned.

I think everything in our life gives us the chance to over indulge or enjoy.

The next thing it means to me is that I am fortunate enough to face one more day on this lovely planet. Sharing, loving, just being.

How I choose for this day to go is entirely up to me, well,  let me reiterate, it is entirely up to me as how I choose to embrace this day, with all of its beauty and some of it warts. Depending on what the Universe and God decides to throw my way.

Will I have the courage to face all things, whether good or bad? Since there are never any mistakes as to why things happen, then I choose to embrace them.It is kind of like those times you lose your keys at a time when you are in a hurry to get out the door, because your late.

You can either get completely upset, raise your blood pressure and get hysterical, which just means somewhere down the road it will cost you in medical  bills, or you can just sit down, and say “OK I get it I am not supposed to be on the road at this very minute for some reason, but I know in a few minutes my keys will appear , and all will be back on track. Then you leave the house, minutes later, and come upon a terrible accident that you would have been in if you had not been delayed by losing your keys. That is everyday life, there are no mistakes, please always remember that.  It makes life so much easier to bare and to participate.

All is well with us, if we let it be, and try to take a breath, breathe, that is something we seem to forget to do.

Have a wonderful week end and a great Friday.


Sandra Logan


We all wear costumes and masks, do even know who we are?

I think when we take on this human body we forget that it is just putting on a costume.  We take it off when we no longer need it .  Our costumes are all so different.  But each represents our individuallity.  It’s like Halloween no matter how many Spidermen knock on your door  each  is different because of the child underneath. Each represents Spider-Man the way each child believes him to be. we wear costumes and masks being very careful who we let really see under it.

The thing that I find fascinating is we all have such strong opinions, we spend so many moments of life here wasting it on hate, jealousy and petty things that we can’t change.  Those moments are priceless once their gone their gone.

The interesting thing however , is that we don’t take this costume with us when we leave, it all turned to dust and we leave it behind.  And when it’s over it’s over.  So why do we waste so much time with the things that don’t bring us joy and happiness.  Why do we try to march in everyone elses Parade?

Why don’t we just work on our own and work until it makes all that see it smile?







McCain and remarks by Trump

Everyone has heard the bruhaha about Trump’s comment on McCain.  I don’t usually get involved in politics and don’t really want to here.  But I do feel like Mr. McCaine’s triumph over being a Prisoner of War has been utilized to the extreme, and underminds, the 100’s of other men who not only were captured  but were killed during their service.

I think often times, we overlook the ones who are in the shadows, and try to glorify those who were lucky enough to become public figures and have their stories told.

During Vietnam, we still have soldiers that went to Prison Camp’s and have never come home alive or dead. Those are the ones we should be celebrating and acknowledging.

I applaud Mr. McCain for having  a survivor mentality, and that is a good thing.  But again, there were many men and have been throughout the wars that deserve as much recognition, or perhaps more since they gave us their lives.

I think a man needs to run on his ability to run a country if he thinks about being President. It is a business, a very big business, and someone has to show that they are able to be sucessful in that area to be a good President.

Currently I don’t know that we have any candidates with that ability. They all seem to have abilities to tell people what they want to hear.  You tell the poor that you are going to take care of them, or promise that tomorrow will be better for everyone, and people go to the polls and vote, on personality, and looks, and whatever else is important to them, whatever makes them feel good about tomorrow.

Then a few years into the Presidency we are all shocked, that things haven’t changed, and all of the promises were just hype, and the states that could barter the best received the aid, and the best Lobbyist got their bills passed, without reading most of them.

No one has ever read completely a bill that has been passed yet!

It’ a fairy tale, and Prince Charming is usally elected.  And when the castle starts to deteroiate, a new prince will be brought into the picture, and we will all believe in Cindarealla again, for a while.



4th of July Weekend

Please be very careful this week end, remember there are a lot of people out there without drivers licenses and really don’t know how to drive, then you have the ones who think because they have a big vehicle, they own the road and everyone is supposed to get out of their way.

It always amazes me the way people take on different personalities when behind a wheel of a car/suv they are driving. I assume these are the same people that push you out of the way with their grocery carts.  Can you iimagine what their children think about conducting their life.  They are teaching them that there is no one as important as them, and they are the center of the Universe.

Then they wonder where these kids are coming from that have no respect for anyone.  They weren’t born that way, we create those little darlings, by what we tolerate, and what we do.  People just don’t get it, that they are being watched by the younger generation to see how they should act, when they are grown.

We can choose how we want the next generation to evolve.  It is definitely a choice, and no ones fault except our own.

If you want to live in light, Be a light…….It just works that way.




Well we are growing web feet here in Texas

opical Storm Bill has come and gone.  Typical of a relationship. Hehe.  He left behind a lot of unrest in his departure, but luckily not as much as he could have.

People are cleaning out their houses and areas that have been flooded.

Isn’t it strange, how living in a house is much like living in our bodies.  When something happens to disrupt or rearrange the house, our first impulse is to make it clean again.  To dispose of the damaged items and replace them with new ones.

But unlike the house, when something damages our body or emotional being, we choose not to clean it out. We choose to hold onto it, and let it rot in our spirit and mind. We like to chew on it, and then have a pity party and then talk to our friends about it, and then chew on it a little longer, until it becomes putrid and we have no choice but to dispose of it and let it go. But then there are those of us who will never let it go, until it rots everything thing in our being and we have missed out on moments of life we could have enjoyed.

As the animals that we are, we are probably the only species that doesn’t immediately go into attack mode and stay there until we conquer the enemy.  Instead we have several levels to get rid of the things that can destroy us.

First we get angry, then we take revenge, and that is like taking poison and expcting the other person to die.

Instead of attacking it head on and putting it in its place and moving on, we grovel in it.

Why is that?

Just a thought.  What if when we are presented with the thing that hurts us, and we choose to learn from it, and say I was where I was supposed to be at that moment.  I was supposed to embrace it, and pull out only the good things that were in it, that I enjoyed during the time I had it, and now it is time for new furniture, new life, new moments. There is no guarantee in life, no little package with a pretty bow on it, that guarntees, nothing will hurt us, and nothing will harm us.

Life is an experience, a moment in time, we get to rehearse it, then we get to live it.  Personally I want mine to be like a mobil home, when life gets too deep, I can just pick it up and move and change it.





A beautiful weekend

I spent the week end with my daughter and her two boys, (twins) in the country.  She and I worked a lot cleaning the house, since it had not been occupied for a month.  The grass had overgrown the yard and was as high as the boys were tall.

When we had finished finally on Saturday night, we took a breath.  I don’t think anyone appreciates the wonderful gift of rest, until you have exhaused yourself.  We walked to the front porch and sat in the rocking chairs, and when I looked up at the sky, I was breathless.  The stars were brighter than I had ever seen.  I have a friend that has the ap “The night sky” and you can hold it up to the sky and it shows every satellite, and star and anything that owld come into the space of that darkness highlighed by the diamon lights of the stars.

Looking up you realize how insignificant everything is here, how small everything is and how we are just a spec in the universe.

And yet , we are an important part of the Universe, for it is those specs that make a whole.  And without us, there would be an emptiness.  I think that you have to look up once in a while  to realize that it isn’t all about you, but rather what you are contributing to the whole picture.  that is difficult as we get so bogged down here on earth and all of the mud that we get into and can’t get out of.

Life is so much more than we realize.  It is so much fuller just as it is.

Stop tonight and look up at that nights sky, see how awesome it is.  Travelers for centuries have used it as a guide to get where they wanted to go.  They knew even back then that they weren’t in total control of their journey.

Think about it.

Sandra Logan

Good morning everyone. I got out of bed this morning and realized that it was Thursday and not Friday. That was a shocker, since I am looking forward to a holiday this week end. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day. But please don’t forget why we have this day. Remember all of the people who made it possible by giving up their lives. These young men went across the oceans to foreign lands, sad to leave their families, scared of what they were facing, and yet courageous in what they were doing. Believing in America and what it stands for. Pay them respect by doing the same. Don’t let others destroy us from within. People only do what you allow them to do.

Make this your special day

Make this your  day. You have a choice when you get up this morning, to make it your day.  Make it about you, shine your light, be kind to you, so you can be kind to others.  Our light has to be bright for others to find their way, andit is up to us as individuals to assume that responsibility.

anyone can shut a light off, and be in the dark, but the real challenge is to be in the light, and make that light shine so  bright, that no one else can get lost in the dark.


Sandra logan

Hello it’s Wednesday Yay

My My how we wish our life away. I hear people already complaining about the heat coming, I might add those are the same people that were complaining about summer never getting here.

We wish our life away moment by moment, wishing it was Friday when it is Monday, wishing it were summer when it is winter. I really wonder how much time is wasted in wishing, and not enjoying what is in front of us.

The years pass swiftly and looking back, I realize that I wasted too much time wondering what was going to happen tomorrow.

And in hindsight, nothing ever happened that way I thought it would.  It all happened the way it was supposed to happen , to lead me down the road I was supposed to go down, to get where I was supposed to be.

I’m always telling my clients, you are not in control, if you took a chart and put down all of the things you thought you had control of and then looked at what happened, that was out of your control, perhaps you would be more apt to trust God and the Universe. When I refer to God, I think of the power greater than ourselves, and interpreted by  many in many ways. I honor them all.  Anyway , stop trying to be in control, and go outside and clear your mind, and smell the flowers, and Thank God that you are able to smell the flowers. Be appreciative of today, even the bad spots , you clip them off and let the rest of the flower grow.

