A beautiful weekend

I spent the week end with my daughter and her two boys, (twins) in the country.  She and I worked a lot cleaning the house, since it had not been occupied for a month.  The grass had overgrown the yard and was as high as the boys were tall.

When we had finished finally on Saturday night, we took a breath.  I don’t think anyone appreciates the wonderful gift of rest, until you have exhaused yourself.  We walked to the front porch and sat in the rocking chairs, and when I looked up at the sky, I was breathless.  The stars were brighter than I had ever seen.  I have a friend that has the ap “The night sky” and you can hold it up to the sky and it shows every satellite, and star and anything that owld come into the space of that darkness highlighed by the diamon lights of the stars.

Looking up you realize how insignificant everything is here, how small everything is and how we are just a spec in the universe.

And yet , we are an important part of the Universe, for it is those specs that make a whole.  And without us, there would be an emptiness.  I think that you have to look up once in a while  to realize that it isn’t all about you, but rather what you are contributing to the whole picture.  that is difficult as we get so bogged down here on earth and all of the mud that we get into and can’t get out of.

Life is so much more than we realize.  It is so much fuller just as it is.

Stop tonight and look up at that nights sky, see how awesome it is.  Travelers for centuries have used it as a guide to get where they wanted to go.  They knew even back then that they weren’t in total control of their journey.

Think about it.

Sandra Logan

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