We all wear costumes and masks, do even know who we are?

I think when we take on this human body we forget that it is just putting on a costume.  We take it off when we no longer need it .  Our costumes are all so different.  But each represents our individuallity.  It’s like Halloween no matter how many Spidermen knock on your door  each  is different because of the child underneath. Each represents Spider-Man the way each child believes him to be. we wear costumes and masks being very careful who we let really see under it.

The thing that I find fascinating is we all have such strong opinions, we spend so many moments of life here wasting it on hate, jealousy and petty things that we can’t change.  Those moments are priceless once their gone their gone.

The interesting thing however , is that we don’t take this costume with us when we leave, it all turned to dust and we leave it behind.  And when it’s over it’s over.  So why do we waste so much time with the things that don’t bring us joy and happiness.  Why do we try to march in everyone elses Parade?

Why don’t we just work on our own and work until it makes all that see it smile?







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