Today is Friday….hmm

What does waking up to a Friday mean to me?

Well as the sun shines through the window, I realize that there are gifts we take for granted from the universe.  That sun reflecting on my sleepy head shows that life is beginning to blossom.  The rays that come from that beautiful sun enables all that is in it’s path to flourish.  But like life, when one gets too much, it can cause pain and suffering.  Anything in moderation, even where life is concerned.

I think everything in our life gives us the chance to over indulge or enjoy.

The next thing it means to me is that I am fortunate enough to face one more day on this lovely planet. Sharing, loving, just being.

How I choose for this day to go is entirely up to me, well,  let me reiterate, it is entirely up to me as how I choose to embrace this day, with all of its beauty and some of it warts. Depending on what the Universe and God decides to throw my way.

Will I have the courage to face all things, whether good or bad? Since there are never any mistakes as to why things happen, then I choose to embrace them.It is kind of like those times you lose your keys at a time when you are in a hurry to get out the door, because your late.

You can either get completely upset, raise your blood pressure and get hysterical, which just means somewhere down the road it will cost you in medical  bills, or you can just sit down, and say “OK I get it I am not supposed to be on the road at this very minute for some reason, but I know in a few minutes my keys will appear , and all will be back on track. Then you leave the house, minutes later, and come upon a terrible accident that you would have been in if you had not been delayed by losing your keys. That is everyday life, there are no mistakes, please always remember that.  It makes life so much easier to bare and to participate.

All is well with us, if we let it be, and try to take a breath, breathe, that is something we seem to forget to do.

Have a wonderful week end and a great Friday.


Sandra Logan


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