4th of July Weekend

Please be very careful this week end, remember there are a lot of people out there without drivers licenses and really don’t know how to drive, then you have the ones who think because they have a big vehicle, they own the road and everyone is supposed to get out of their way.

It always amazes me the way people take on different personalities when behind a wheel of a car/suv they are driving. I assume these are the same people that push you out of the way with their grocery carts.  Can you iimagine what their children think about conducting their life.  They are teaching them that there is no one as important as them, and they are the center of the Universe.

Then they wonder where these kids are coming from that have no respect for anyone.  They weren’t born that way, we create those little darlings, by what we tolerate, and what we do.  People just don’t get it, that they are being watched by the younger generation to see how they should act, when they are grown.

We can choose how we want the next generation to evolve.  It is definitely a choice, and no ones fault except our own.

If you want to live in light, Be a light…….It just works that way.




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