How we waste time

Do any of us really realize how many moments of our life we waste about worrying about things that we have no control over? How many of those minutes turn into hours and then days and then months, over a lifetime that we just throw away.

I just turned 70 years old, and began reflecting how I spent my life in the past. Most of it was worrying about people who chose to do what they were doing, and my worrying about it didn’t ever change them, or their thoughts about how they were living.

Steve Jobs said it best: Life is so very, very short, don’t spend one moment of it living someone else’s.

I have decided to quit worrying about the way people are living their lives, family or friends. I probably won’t even be around to see the final result, so why would I?

Life is so much more fun, when you don’t carry around other people’s garbage. Heck I can barely carry around my own. and sometimes when garbage day comes, I forget to let go of mine.

So my word to you all , is that when you start to think you can solve someone else’s problems, think about how hard it is to solve your own.

Then take those minutes that you would have thought about it, and do something that enlightens your soul. Something that conributes to your life, for when you leave you are the only one you will take with you.

You are important, never forget that.

Have a great week.
Sandra Logan

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