Little Angels take flight

Children!  Wow, how special are they? They were just with the angels, their spirit was celebrating their soon to be arrival, and they bring  that God energy into this world with them.

Sometimes they choose only to stay for a brief while and then they want to go back. It is an agreement they made before they came.  Kind of  like “Been there, done that” and now I want to go home.  Sometimes they have to leave because it just isn’t the right time to arrive, because of the choice or the things that their parents decide to do.

If they were unable to complete their journey in the beginning, I have been told that that soul will still come to that person, either through them, or through someone else in their immediate family. If a soul is meant to join a particular group nothing will stop that.  Sometimes when I do readings I will see a tiny boy or girl standing as if waiting. I will ask the woman in front of me if she ever had a miscarriage or another situaiton regarding pregnancy. and they will usually verify they lost a child or terminated a pregnancy. And the little boy or girl will be standing beside them waiting to come again.

The children born during this century are amazing, they know things, they see things, and they are intuitive. That is because the world is going through changes that only these gifted children will be able to heal.They will be able to see beyond themselves and their own greed or ego. They are coming into this world to create what was intended to be. They are here for the transition that will take place soon.

Some of them can even communicate telepathically. So know when you are looking into their tiny eyes that they understand  more than you can imagine. Remember it was not long ago that we were not aware that they could hear us in the womb. The things we said, and did, would affect how they would be when they were born.  so how much more do we  (Not know?)

Teachers and parents beware. You canot teach this new generation in the same manner as you have taught in the past. They are far ahead of you. What a gift to mankind they are. Our educational system needs to be renovated to be able to keep up with them, so they don’t get bored and give up on education .

Our DNA shows that each person is one of a kind unless you are a twin.  There is not another “you” in this world , so when you arrive, you are the newest model.  There is not another,  and never will be another you. Your DNA proves this. You are like the only pair of Gucci shoes out there, what would you be worth?  Well you are worth that and more. You are priceless in all you do, in every space you take up, and every moment you share in this life. YOU ARE THE GIFT  !!


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