HOW UNIQUE ARE WE ? Whose more important you or everybody else?

Website:     My website

Strange Title, Right?

I wrote it because I have more and more clients come to me who don’t have a clue who they are, or how important they are that they are even allowed to be on this Great Planet in the form that we are.

If we watch enough news we can become very jaded and depressed.  I had a friend tell me that she never read the news. She said she believes if she is supposed to know something, she will be told by someone.  Not a bad theory , considering the New Media is created to control us by our thoughts, and fears.

I can be perfectly happy in the morning when I get up, open the door, feel the beautiful cool breeze that is present now in Texas, and be convinced that I am glad that I am alive.

Then I can turn the morning news on after pouring a hot cup of coffee, and after twenty minutes be either terrified of what I have heard, beacause some country is shooting someone, or bombing somebody, like 911, or some terrible news from CDC saying there is a terrible epiemic coming.

I’ve got to say the Blacklist is one of my favorite shows, and the other night, it reflected on how controlled we might be by all that we choose to believe , and listen.

Someone says Peanut Butter is bad, and has killed “x” number of people.  We immediately quit buying Peanut Butter…But are all of these things true.  We never see lists of names ….we just assume we are being told the truth.  But it , I am sure, drove Peanut Butter’s stock into the toilet.  Everything that happens is Action, and Reaction.And somebody lost a lot of money, and somebody gained a lot.

I’m not saying that some of these things are not important, but I wonder how much is used to persuade us to continue to live in our little bubble and conform like the sheep, and just follow, without being outraged because our Intelligence has been compromised.

I’m not preaching conspiracy, I am only saying how easily we are led into what ever someone wants us to believe. It is because we want to believe that there is someone out there who really cares, and considers our safety in all things. We really want to feel as if there is a greater power than ourselves, watching out for us.

We want to feel like we are worth someone protecting us.

That is where the title of this Blog came in.

I believe there is a whole new generation of people coming into the fact that they are great by merely exisiting .  And because they are great, they can share that greatness with all around them.  They know they are a light, and light is to be shared, not destroyed, or given away. It is something to help lead people from outside of the dark.

When you realize how great you are, and that God has put you here because he gave you a responsibility. It isn’t a free ride, but it is a luxurious one, if you choose to shine that light that is you.

I have a friend “Amy” who lost her life a couple of weeks ago. She was in her early 40’s.  Over 150 people attended her funeral, and the one thing that everyone was saying, is How beautiful and precious she was.  That when you called her name, she always turned around with a beautiful smile, no matter who you were.

What a wonderful legacy she left behind.  I miss her daily, and I miss that wonderful smile.

Each of us have the capability of being more than we believe, and being that pebble that is thrown into the water and reaches far out as the ripples from it touch everything in its path, far away ….

We have a wonderful mind, to use and to analyze, and to create.  None better than the other, only different than the other.

Different points of view, different thoughts, different interpretations.  WE are valuable, each of us, each in our own way, each using the abiltiies.  We are the creators of our Reality.

God does not make mistakes in his creations. He is truly the  Gucci of Heaven. It is like the Designers  in the world, once they create that beautiful gown, no one else is allowed to touch it before it hits the runway, except the model who wears it. It is perfection.  WE are that gown, we are perfection, and our Designer “God” made us perfectly.  It is only us that are allowed to change the design.  So how do we choose to do that?




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