It was a horrible happening in San Bernadino. My heart hurts for those families. The families on both sides. As a mother, I know that we are not always responsible,or have any influence on what our children decide to do. I think tht it is very important that we are aware of dangers, and also that we are very aware of who the devils are.
We have extremists in all religions, look at our own people who go around killing abortion clinic people becaue they think they can justify one murder by commitiing another one. I am not saying that that is my view, I am just stating what goes through the mind of killers.
Gun Control , wow, do people realize that most of the crimes that are committed are not from people who walk in and give you their drivers license and sign a gun permit and purchase a gun. they are bought on the black market, from dishonest people, looking to make a buck. A person doesn’t walk into a Doctor’s office and ask for Cocaine, why would they submit their lives to that kind of scrutiny when planning on commiting a murder? Really,Ask yourselves that please.
Our Constituion gives us certain rights, and whether we agree with them or not, they were given to us to make this country a great country, which it still is. I would hate to see that the only people who could protect themselves is the criminals who have the guns. They already protect themselves with laws that are too flexible. You can kill someone and sit in prison for years, eat , watch TV play ball in the courtyards, and be out if you have a good attorney in several years. I think the going rate for murder with a good attorney is now 20 years, maybe less if you can fool the parole board into thinking you are rehabilitated or found God.
Please don’t think of Muslims as all bad. That would be like saying Christians are all bad, when one of them shoots a Clinc worker.
These people are all extemeist who are using religion as a crutch. They would use something else, or another cause, anything to hate. Anything to justify why they can’t fit into society, or try to make the world a better place. This is a group of peope who chose the Muslim Tag to be identified and hide behind black robes, and masks. These are cowards who manipulate and feed off of fear.
So please say prayers for the injured and the families on both sides, and know that we must be able to identify the haters and the darkness, not by what name they use, but by what actions they take.
sandra Logan