It’s Voting time once again

As I stated before it is once again time to get into the Political Arena.  We will look at our chosen candidate as Prince Charming, knowing that he loves us and that he is truly concerned with our well being, and we vote.

I am encouraging everyone to vote, please, But don’t vote with your head in the fairy tale books.

They all research, and say exactly what we want to hear. They are going to change Taxes, make Medicare better, and care about the common Man.  The  Common Man, or as they now say, the  ‘THE PUBLIC SECTOR”  .  But they are really doing whatever will get their particular State what it wants.  They want to be re-elected.  If they care so much about the Common Man, why isn’t their Insurance the same as ours.  How many Policiticans and their families were effected by OBama Care?  What is their retirement tied into, it certainly isn’t Social Security.

Until we make them responsible, and pull them into the lives of the Common Man, and what they all go through on a daily basis, worrying about Medicare, medicaid and Insurance and Social Security, there is no way they can say they care about us.

The Republicans will tell you they are going to cut taxes, pull in all the free programs, balance the Budget.

The Democrats will tell you they will help Social Security, and they will make equal opportunities for all, and more free programs for the underdog.  The day any of that happens, it will mean that the President’s and Congress abide by the same laws as we do, and send their children and family to the same Doctors, hospitals, etc. as we do, under the same plans we have.

It’s like the farmer who blocks off his neighbors flow of the stream that goes through his property.  He usually gets the full benefit of the water, and lets a trickle continue to his neighbors property without too much concern about what it will do to his neighbor.

So when you vote, don’t lie to yourself and tell yourself, that your Candidate is going to change things for  you, he is just going to try to figure out how to keep the river flowing for him, and still make you think it is benefiting you with the trickle he is allowing to reach you.

Vote because you know you have to have Government.  We are like animals we have to be led, somewhat, or their would be chaos, but you decide,  Do you sleep with the Devil you know, or the Devil you don’t.  Just pick the lesser of two evils, that is the only choice you have. And then Prince Charming will lead you down the Golden Path, and you get to do it all over again in the years to come.

When you look historically, in the years past, the Rich get Richer, the Old get pushed out of the way, and the young believe in Prince Charming again.  It’s a game of  “Which cup is the ball under this time?”




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